Cannot Uninstall Advanced IP Scanner from Control Panel?
If you’re unable to uninstall Advanced IP Scanner from the Control Panel, it could be due to corrupted installation files, missing uninstaller components, or background processes preventing removal. Sometimes, third-party software conflicts or insufficient permissions can also cause issues. In such cases, alternative methods such as using the built-in uninstaller, Windows Settings, or third-party uninstallers like Revo Uninstaller can help.
This problem if we go to uninstall as like as other software will cannot uninstall or remove this program. Below I have been show you as the screenshot.

When click Uninstall it will pop up like this

Then after we click on OK, it will pop up this error.

To solve this problem, there are different method, but now I show you with a method about how remove it as below. Maybe you can follow up if you have the problem as me as manual remove.
Go to Drive C: => Program File (find this application) and use Shift + Delete

After you have Delete this folder, you can delete its shortcut from desktop and anywhere out. Then don’t forget restart the computer. You can try other method if above method still cannot remove it.

Note: if you restarted computer and deleted its shortcut but, it still has in your computer mean that manual removing still cannot success in uninstall Advanced IP Scanner.

When you go to search bar still see the Advanced IP Scanner on the menu. Don’t worry, now I advice to you to use a application software Revo Uninstaller by install it to your PC and run to uninstall the application that you want easily. Revo Uninstaller is a powerful tool designed to help users to uninstall any software on PC that cannot uninstall from computer.
You can watch here about how to install Revo Uninstaller on computer. Thanks! feel free if you all have any comments, we happy to reply with you all.